Feel Confident
Try on Frames that suit just you.
Comprehensive Eye Exams
Know what to expect.
Blue Light
A common problem for technology users.
Pediatric Eye Care
Vision and learning are fundamentally connected.
Eye Emergencies
We offer drop-in care.
Eye Protection
Quality sunglasses protect year round
Welcome to Eye Center of South Florida
Eyes are important indicators of overall health, and comprehensive eye care goes beyond a prescription for glasses or contact lenses. At Eye Center of South Florida, we take the time to get to know you, your eye care history, and your vision needs. Our optometrists provide the expert care, advice, options, and follow up you need whether you are a new patient or an existing one. Please contact us to schedule your appointment today.
Q&A with Our Doctors | Blue Light and Your Vision
What Our Patients Have to Say....
What Our Patients Have to Say....
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Calvin Klein


What's New + Special info
As of Tuesday evening, March 17, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recommended all routine eye care be deferred until further notice in order to slow the transmission of COVID-19 throughout our community.We will remain available to triage eye emergencies as well as help you with routine matters...
From the moment a child is born he/she has everything needed in order to see. Seeing properly is just a matter of learning how. From birth a child does not see in color. Rather, a child is only able to see in black and white, and shades of gray. The...