Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events in our Practice.
Mar 19, 2020
As of Tuesday evening, March 17, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recommended all routine eye care be deferred until further notice in order to slow the transmission of COVID-19 throughout our community.We will remain available to triage eye emergencies as well as help you with routine matters...
Dec 31, 2017
From the moment a child is born he/she has everything needed in order to see. Seeing properly is just a matter of learning how. From birth a child does not see in color. Rather, a child is only able to see in black and white, and shades of gray. The...
Nov 28, 2017
Contact lens overuse is an increasingly common eye condition that has significant potential to do serious damage to your eyes, and lead to major eye and vision issues in the future. Dr. NAME of PRACTICE in CITY,STATE comments “Contact lenses represent a great way to enhance how you look and...
Oct 31, 2017
In this day and age, computers, smart phones and similar technologies are everywhere. Many hours are spent by most of us, either during our leisure time or for work, looking at the lighted screen of a computer or smart phone. Recently, the incidence of Computer Eye Strain has gone up...
For your convenience our office open two Saturdays a month from 9am-1pm. Please call in advance or check our website schedule for exact dates.